On Picket Duty, and Other Tales
by Louisa May Alcott 2021-01-07 09:49:07
WHAT air you thinkin'' of, Phil?"My wife, Dick.""So was I! Aint it odd how fellers fall to thinkin'' of thar little women, when they get a quiet spell like this?""Fortunate for us that we do get it, and have such gentle bosom guests to keep us brave ... Read more
WHAT air you thinkin'' of, Phil?"My wife, Dick.""So was I! Aint it odd how fellers fall to thinkin'' of thar little women, when they get a quiet spell like this?""Fortunate for us that we do get it, and have such gentle bosom guests to keep us brave and honest through the trials and temptations of a life like ours."October moonlight shone clearly on the solitary tree, draped with gray moss, scarred by lightning and warped by wind, looking like a venerable warrior, whose long campaign was nearly done; and underneath was posted the guard of four. Behind them twinkled many camp-fires on a distant plain, before them wound a road ploughed by the passage of an army, strewn with the relics of a rout. On the right, a sluggish river glided, like a serpent, stealthy, sinuous, and dark, into a seemingly impervious jungle; on the left, a Southern swamp filled the air with malarial damps, swarms of noisome life, and discordant sounds that robbed the hour of its repose. The men were friends as well as comrades, for though gathered from the four quarters of the Union, and dissimilar in education, character, and tastes, the same spirit animated all; the routine of camp life threw them much together, and mutual esteem soon grew into a bond of mutual good fellowship. Less
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  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9 X 6 X 0.2 in
  • 96
  • Blurb
  • January 9, 2019
  • English
  • 9780368011177
Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on November 29, 1832. She and her three sisters, Anna, Elizabeth and May were educated by their father, philosopher/ teacher, Bronson Alcott and ...
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