Authors | Plato
(Greek: Πλάτων) (Arabic: أفلاطون) (Alternate Spelling: Platon, Platón, Platone) Plato is a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the fi ... Read more

Books by Plato

The Republic of Plato: Tr, Volume 8: by Plato
by Plato
Selections From Plato, the Philosophy of Socrates: The Apology, the Phaedo: by Plato
by Plato
The Laws of Plato; the Text Ed. With Introduction, Notes, Etc.; Volume 2: by Plato
by Plato
Apology, Or; The Death Of Socrates (Mobi Classics): by Plato,Benjamin Jowett (Translator)
by Plato,Benjamin Jowett (Translator)
Apologia ; Crito; adiecta sunt Phaedonis cap. 65-67: by Plato
by Plato
Dialogues of Plato; Volume 1: by Plato
by Plato
Gorgias; chiefly according to Stallbaum's text: by Plato
by Plato
The Gorgias of Plato: by Plato
by Plato
Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito, With Notes Critical and Exegetical, Introductory Notices, and a Logical Analysis of the Apo: by Plato
by Plato
The Apology of Socrates; as Written by His Friend and Pupil, Plato. [Translated Into English by Henry Cary: by Plato
by Plato
Works; a New and Literal Version, Chiefly From the Text of Stallbaum; Volume 4: by Plato
by Plato
Oeuvres complètes; Tome 13, Ptie.3: by Plato
by Plato
A Selection of Passages From Plato for English Readers; Volume 1: by Plato
by Plato
Opera omnia. Recensuit et commentariis instruxit Godofredus Stallbaum; Volumen 8: by Plato
by Plato
Opera omnia. Recensuit et commentariis instruxit Godofredus Stallbaum; Volumen 1: by Plato
by Plato
The Republic; Volume 1: by Plato
by Plato
The Sophistes and Politicus of Plato, With a Revised Text and English Notes; Volume 3: by Plato
by Plato
Works; a New and Literal Version, Chiefly From the Text of Stallbaum; Volume 2: by Plato
by Plato
Timaeus: Translated By Benjamin Jowett: by Plato
by Plato
Gorgias: A revised text, with Introduction and Commentary: by Plato
by Plato
Symposium of Plato: SYMPOSIUM OF PLATO -OS: by Plato
by Plato
The Apology, Phaedo and Crito of Plato; Golden Sayings of Epictetus; Meditations of Marcus Aurelius: Part 2 Harvard Classics: by .. Plato
by .. Plato
GPlátwnos@ Parmenídys@. The Parmenides of Plato, with intr., analysis and notes by T. Maguire: by Plato
by Plato
Platonis Dialogi Graece Et Latine: Ex Recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri...: by . Plato
by . Plato
The Theaetetus of Plato: With Translation and Notes: by . Plato
by . Plato
The Trials of Socrates: Six Classic Texts Plato Author: by Plato
by Plato
The Republic Plato Author: by Plato
by Plato
Lysis Plato Author: by Plato
by Plato
Gorgias Plato Author: by Plato
by Plato
The Timaeus and Critias of Plato: by .. Plato
by .. Plato