Authors | John Norman
John Norman
John Norman, born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1931, is the creator of the Gorean Saga, the longest-running series of adventure novels in science fiction history. Starting in December 1966 with Tarnsman of Gor, the series was put on hold after its twen ... Read more

Books by John Norman

Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics: by John Norman
by John Norman
Assassin of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Witness of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Imaginative Sex: by John Norman
by John Norman
The Emperor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Quarry of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Effectual Humiliation Described And Enforced. A Sermon Preach'd At Portsmouth, Decemb. 8th. 1721. Being The Day Appointed For A Pu: by John Norman
by John Norman
God To Be Worshipped In Spirit And In Truth. A Sermon Preach'd At Portsmouth 27th Of July, 1718. To Which Is Added An Appendix: by John Norman
by John Norman
Remarks on a sermon preached at Petersfield, June the 17th, 1722. By the Reverend Mr. William Lowth, ... In a letter to himself. I: by John Norman
by John Norman
Captive of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Lay-nonconformity justified, in a dialogue between a gentleman of the town in communion with the Church of England, and his dissen: by John Norman
by John Norman
Vagabonds of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
God's Foreknowledge of Contingent Events Vindicated: In a Letter to the Reverend Mr. Samuel Fancourt, Occasion'd by his Late Essay: by John Norman
by John Norman
Swordsmen Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Between Iraq and a Hard Place: by John Norman
by John Norman
A Complete Diary, Or An Almanack For ... 1820. The Author's 1st Impr: by John Norman
by John Norman
Hunters Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Tribesmen Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Explorers Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Fighting Slave Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Players Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
A Charge Delivered At The Ordination Of The Reverend Mr. John Rice, At Midhurst, September The 24th, 1735. By John Norman.: by John Norman
by John Norman
Lay-nonconformity Farther Justify'd. Containing A Reply To A Late Pamphlet, The Lay-man's Pleas For Separation From The Church Of: by John Norman
by John Norman
Tarnsman Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Time Slave: by John Norman
by John Norman
The Totems Of Abydos: by John Norman
by John Norman
The King: by John Norman
by John Norman
Kur Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
Kajira Of Gor: by John Norman
by John Norman
The Artist's Companion, and Manufacturer's Guide, Consisting of the Most Valuable Secrets in Arts and Trade ... With About Five Hu: by John Norman
by John Norman