Authors | Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo
Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Outside of France, his most famous works are the nov ... Read more

Books by Victor Hugo

Les Miserables (Volume V): Vol. V. - Jean Valjean, Translated From The French By Isabel F. Hapgood: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Los Miserables...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Los Miserables, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
La Voix De Guernesey...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Histoire D'un Crime--déposition D'un Témoin ......: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
God And The End Of Satan / Dieu And La Fin De Satan: Selections: In A Bilingual Edition: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
1819-1834, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Sämmtliche Werke, Volume 15...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Sur Les Bords Du Rhin: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Novels And Poems Of Victor Marie Hugo, Volume 2: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres Complètes: Histoire, Volume 32: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Contemplations, Volume 2: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Burgraves: Trilogie: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
La Chute, from Victor Hugo's "Les Misrables": by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Actes Et Paroles, Volume 1: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres Complètes: Théatre, Volume 3: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Les Chansons Des Rues Et Des Bois: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo Raconté Par Un Témoin De Sa Vie Avec Ouvres Inédites De Victor Hugo, Entre Autres Un Drame En Trois Actes, Volume 1: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Novels, Complete And Unabridged, Of Victor Hugo, Volume 15: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Actes Et Paroles: 1870-1871-1872: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Notre-dame De Paris. Adapted For Use In Schools And Colleges By J. Boïelle: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres Completes Volume 16: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The History Of A Crime ... Translated By T. H. Joyce And A. Locker. Vol. Iii: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Excursions along the Banks of the Rhine.: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Fiction, Volume 3: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
The Novels And Poems Of Victor Marie Hugo, Volume 3: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Hunchback Of Notre Dame...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Dramatic Works: Profusely Illus. With Wood Engraving, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres Complètes De Victor Hugo, Volume 2...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo
Oeuvres De Victor Hugo: Le Dernier Jour D'un Condamné...: by Victor Hugo
by Victor Hugo