Peace: In a Times of Uncertainty, Economic Collapse, Terrorism, Materialism, War, Where and How Does Peace Fit In? Charles Parker Author
by Charles Parker
2021-04-11 16:58:19
Peace: In a Times of Uncertainty, Economic Collapse, Terrorism, Materialism, War, Where and How Does Peace Fit In? Charles Parker Author
by Charles Parker
2021-04-11 16:58:19
This book was written for those looking for peace in their lives. It helps explain how and why peace was lost through the man Adam, and how we can regain that which was lost through and by Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. That you may come to know ...
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This book was written for those looking for peace in their lives. It helps explain how and why peace was lost through the man Adam, and how we can regain that which was lost through and by Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. That you may come to know the peace that passes all understanding, when the world around us is in a state of confusion and fear.