Authors | Oliver Herford
Oliver Herford
Oliver Herford, a writer, artist, and illustrator, was born in Sheffield, England on December 2, 1860 (not 1863, as is widely stated) to Rev. Brooke Herford and Hannah Hankinson Herford. Oliver's father, Brooke, was a Unitarian minister who moved the ... Read more

Books by Oliver Herford

The Smoker's Year Book;: by Oliver. Herford
by Oliver. Herford
The Herford AEsop: Fifty Fables In Verse: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford
The Altogether New Cynic's Calendar Of Revised Wisdom For 1907: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford
Gambolling With Galatea: A Bucolic Romance: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford
Moko or Maori Tattooing: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford
Her Majesty The King: A Romance Of The Harem: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford
The Rubáíyát of a Persian Kitten: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford
Artful Anticks: by Oliver 1863-1935 Herford
by Oliver 1863-1935 Herford
A Phenomenal Fauna: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford
The Herford ãsop: Fifty Fables In Verse: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford
Artful Antics: by Oliver Herford
by Oliver Herford