Authors | Horatio Bridge
Horatio Bridge
Horatio Bridge was an officer of the United States Navy who, as Chief of the Bureau of Provisions, served for many years as head of the Navy's supply organization.

Books by Horatio Bridge

Journal of an African Cruiser: By Horatio Bridge
By Horatio Bridge
Journal Of An African Cruiser: Comprising Sketches Of The Canaries, The Cape De Verds, Liberia, Madeira, Sierra Leone, And Other P: by Horatio Bridge
by Horatio Bridge
Personal Recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne: by Horatio Bridge
by Horatio Bridge
Journal of an African Cruiser; Comprising Sketches of the Canaries, the Cape De Berds, Liberia, Madeira, Sierra Leone, and Other P: by Horatio 1806-1893 Bridge
by Horatio 1806-1893 Bridge