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100 JavaScript power solutions in one handy guide
This practical resource contains 100 ready-to-run JavaScript plug-ins you can use to create dynamic Web content. The book begins by explaining JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and the Document Object Model (DOM). Then, each chapter in Plug-In JavaScript offers complete, working examples for specific end results you can achieve right away. Using these plug-ins, you''ll be able to build JavaScript projects quicker and easier than ever, as many complex tasks are reduced to a single function call.
Get ready-made JavaScript plug-ins for:
- Resizing and repositioning objects
- Fading between objects
- Movement and animation
- Chaining and interaction
- Menus and navigation
- Text effects
- Audio and visual effects
- Cookies, Ajax, and security
- Forms and validation
- And much more
Download all of the plug-ins at the book''s companion website.