Authors | Charles Lyell
Charles Lyell
Sir Charles Lyell, 1st Baronet, FRS was a Scottish geologist who popularised the revolutionary work of James Hutton. He is best known as the author of Principles of Geology, which presented uniformitarianism–the idea that the Earth was shaped by th ... Read more

Books by Charles Lyell

The Student's Lyell: A Manual of Elementary Geology: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Principles of Geology ... Vol. III. Reprinted from the sixth English edition, etc.: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Travels In North America: With Geological Observations On The United States, Canada And Nova Scotia : In Two Volumes, Volume 2: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
The Geological Evidence of the Antiquity of Man: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Manuel De Géologie Élémentaire; Ou, Changements Anciens De La Terre Et De Ses Habitants: Tels Qu'ils Sont Représentés Par Les Monu: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Eléments De Géologie: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
A Manual Of Elementary Geology. Third And Entirely Revised Edition.: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Zweite Reise Nach Den Vereinigten Staaten Von Nordamerika: Von Sir Charles Lyell. Deutsch Nach Der 2. Ausgabe Des Englischen Origi: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
A Second Visit to the United States of North America - Vol I: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Geological Evidence of the Antiquity of Man, 1863 Charles Lyell Author: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Principles of Geology Charles Lyell Author: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Travels in North America, Canada, and Nova Scotia With Geological Observations, Volume 1: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
A Second Visit to the United States of North America: In two Volumes Volume 2: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Second Visit (vol 1): To The United States Of North America (volume 1): by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
The Student's Lyell; the Principles and Methods of Geology, as Applied to the Investigation of the Past History of the Earth and i: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
A Second Visit to the United States of North America Volume 1-2: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Lehrbuch der Geologie: Ein Versuch die früheren Veränderungen der Erdoberfläche durch noch jetzt wirksame Ursachen zu erkl: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Reisen In Nordamerika Mit Beobachtungen Ûber Die Geognostischen Verhâhltnisse Der Vereinigten Staaten Von Canada Und Neu-schottlan: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
L'ancienneté De L'hommee Prouvée Par La Géologie Et Remarques Sur Les Théories Relatives À L'origine Des Espèces Par Variation: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Principles of Geology: The Three Books - Complete in One Edition with Diagrams; The Modern Changes of the Earth and Its In: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Manuel De Géologie Élémentaire Ou Fragments Ancients De La Terre Et De Ses Habitants; Volume 2: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Supplement To The Fifth Edition Of A Manual Of Elementary Geology.: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell
Principles of Geology: An Attempt To Explain The Former Changes Of The Earth's Surface, By Reference To Causes Now In Oper: by Charles Lyell
by Charles Lyell