Inglaterra, 1501.
Todo el país se regocijó con la boda de Judith Revedoune y Gavin Montgomery. Aunque Judith se había prometido que su esposo solo la poseería por la fuerza, el primer contacto entre ambos, ante el florido altar, enciende la llama de una pasión inocultable. Cuando Gavin se asomó al fondo de aquellos ojos dorados, se sintió consumido por el deseo..., pero ya había entregado su corazón a otra.
Humillada y sola en un castillo desconocido, Judith resuelve odiar a ese marido que toma su cuerpo pero rechaza su alma. Pero sabe que lo ama y que teme perderlo...
All of England rejoiced on her wedding day. But Judith vowed that her husband would get only what he took from her!
At the flower-bedecked altar, the first touch of their hands ignited an all-consuming passion. Gavin Montgomery looked deep into her golden eyes and burned with desire for her...but his heart had been pledged to another.
Humiliated and alone in a strange castle, Judith resolved to hate this husband who took her body, but rejected her love...never admitting her fear of losing him.
But destiny held another fate for Judith...a fate that would keep at last...The Velvet Promise.