Proofs and Algorithms
by Gilles Dowek 2020-06-14 11:05:06
Logic is a branch of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. It studies the required methods to determine whether a statement is true, such as reasoning and computation. Proofs and Algorithms: Introduction to Logic and Computabili
Logic is a branch of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. It studies the required methods to determine whether a statement is true, such as reasoning and computation. Proofs and Algorithms: Introduction to Logic and Computabili Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9.25 X 6.1 X 0 in
  • 156
  • Springer-Verlag/Sci-Tech/Trade
  • January 16, 2016
  • English
  • 2453eec8-aa1c-415d-b119-f7432fc49a42
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