Authors | Jacob Neusner
Jacob Neusner
Jacob Neusner

Books by Jacob Neusner

Praxis And Parable: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
Judaism In Monologue And Dialogue: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
How Important Was The Destruction Of The Second Temple In The Formation Of Rabbinic Judaism?: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
Lost Documents of Rabbinic Judaism: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
The Treasury of Judaism: A New Collection and Translation of Essential Texts: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
Genesis Rabbah: Parashiyyot 34-67 on Genesis 8:15 to 28:9: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
The Blackwell Reader in Judaism: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
Chapters in the Formative History of Judaism: Third Series: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
First Steps in the Talmud: A Guide to the Confused: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
The Rabbis and the Prophets: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
Chapters in the Formative History of Judaism: Fifth Series: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
Judaic and Christian Visions of the Social Order: Describing, Analyzing and Comparing Systems of the Formative Age: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
The Rabbinic System: How the Aggadah and the Halakhah Complement Each Other: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner
Chapters in the Formative History of Judaism, Eighth Series: Systemic Perspectives: by Jacob Neusner
by Jacob Neusner