Raising Confident Girls: 100 Tips For Parents And Teachers Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer Author
by Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer
2021-04-03 04:21:06
Raising Confident Girls: 100 Tips For Parents And Teachers Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer Author
by Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer
2021-04-03 04:21:06
Girls need ample, loving demonstrations from adults close to them that they are appreciated and can be trusted to know what they need for themselves. They also need to be given plenty of opportunity to develop their talents. Girls who lack sufficient...
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Girls need ample, loving demonstrations from adults close to them that they are appreciated and can be trusted to know what they need for themselves. They also need to be given plenty of opportunity to develop their talents. Girls who lack sufficient emotional support may feel neglected and unworthy of attention, and easily find themselves at greater risk of exploitation and abuse, even as adults. Raising Confident Girls provides parents and teachers with the best hands-on, practical advice available for nurturing girls in a changing and challenging social environment.