Regeneration of War-Torn Societies
by NA NA
2020-12-28 15:22:28
Regeneration of War-Torn Societies
by NA NA
2020-12-28 15:22:28
Regeneration and peacebuilding in war-torn societies is a fast-growing area of interest in world politics. The book is an original and timely contribution to the study of post-conflict transition through an examination of various aspects of regenerat...
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Regeneration and peacebuilding in war-torn societies is a fast-growing area of interest in world politics. The book is an original and timely contribution to the study of post-conflict transition through an examination of various aspects of regeneration and detailed analysis of examples of intent. Four issues are highlighted in particular: - the legacies of modern conflict in the transitions to relative peace - the question of ownership and accountability in the interactions between internal and external actors - the need for coherent responses to regeneration - the importance of case-specific approaches. The book''s purpose is to encourage students, policy-makers and practitioners (in governments, intergovernmental organisations, international and local non-governmental organisations) to understand and reflect on processes designed to promote social stability and relative peace - and to re-examine the nature of the tasks they confront and their responses. The authors represent perspectives from law, political economy, social work, development studies, anthropology and international relations.