Robinson Crusoe: Classic Collection
by Daniel Defoe 2021-06-04 08:23:02
Shipwrecked and cast upon an island, Robinson Crusoe ingeniously survives alone for twenty-four years. Eventually, he meets a young native whom he rescues from cannibals, and the two companions share in a variety of adventures.
Shipwrecked and cast upon an island, Robinson Crusoe ingeniously survives alone for twenty-four years. Eventually, he meets a young native whom he rescues from cannibals, and the two companions share in a variety of adventures. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781433251443
Daniel Defoe (1659/1661 [?] - 1731) was an English writer, journalist, and spy, who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is notable for being one of the earliest practitioners of ...
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