Russia & the West: Putin's Retaliatory Measures Against 'Unfriendly' Nations Ojula Technology Innovations Author
2024-09-04 18:02:16
On 3 May, 2022, Vladimir Putin signed a decree in Russia, basically saying that Russia would no longer sell vital raw materials to countries that it considered ‘unfriendly’.In this short book, you'll learn how Russia's decision ca... Read more
On 3 May, 2022, Vladimir Putin signed a decree in Russia, basically saying that Russia would no longer sell vital raw materials to countries that it considered ‘unfriendly’.In this short book, you'll learn how Russia's decision can affect the European union and the Western nations. You'll also learn: Why the Europeans sanctioned Russia Why Russia can survive the Europeans' sanctions The two-track policy My advice for people of Europe and so much more! Less
  • ISBN
  • 9791221341164
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