Authors | Luigi Lanzi
Luigi Lanzi
Luigi Lanzi (14 June 1732 – 30 March 1810) was an Italian art historian and archaeologist. When he died he was buried in the church of the Santa Croce at Florence by the side of Michelangelo.Born in Treia, Lanzi was educated as a priest. He entered ... Read more

Books by Luigi Lanzi

Saggio Di Lingua Etrusca E Di Altre Antiche D'italia: Contiene Le Iscrizioni Della Etruria Media E Delle Sue Adjacenze: by Luigi Lanzi
by Luigi Lanzi
The History Of Painting In Italy: From The Revival Of The Fine Arts To The End Of The 18 Century, Volume 1: by Luigi Lanzi
by Luigi Lanzi
Histoire de La Peinture En Italie, Depuis La Renaissance Des Beaux-Arts. T. I: by Luigi Lanzi
by Luigi Lanzi
Histoire de La Peinture En Italie, Depuis La Renaissance Des Beaux-Arts. T. V: by Luigi Lanzi
by Luigi Lanzi
Histoire De La Peinture En Italie, Depuis La Renaissance Des Beaux-arts, Jusque Vers La Fin Du Xviiie SiThcle...: by Luigi Lanzi
by Luigi Lanzi
Histoire De La Peinture En Italie Depuis La Renaissance Des Beaux-arts, Jusques Vers La Fin Du Xviiie Siècle, Volume 2...: by Luigi Lanzi
by Luigi Lanzi
The History Of Painting In Italy: From The Revival Of The Fine Arts To The End Of The 18 Century, Volume 2...: by Luigi Lanzi
by Luigi Lanzi