Sailor Cambridge: The Difference - A Single Thought Entertained
by John Addington Symonds
2021-01-14 01:21:43
Sailor Cambridge: The Difference - A Single Thought Entertained
by John Addington Symonds
2021-01-14 01:21:43
You'll find within the pages of Sailor Cambridge all the adventure, excitement, joy and fun that is always desired by the reader that is continually seeking to leave reality for just awhile. Yet you will find, not only adventure, but within those adv...
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You'll find within the pages of Sailor Cambridge all the adventure, excitement, joy and fun that is always desired by the reader that is continually seeking to leave reality for just awhile. Yet you will find, not only adventure, but within those adventures an identity of self, hope, love for life, and many desires to live your life with more zeal, ambition, self like, self love, and a renewed understanding and love for all those around you. Within these pages are great treasures that are able to bring success and fortune to all that read and learn from all that is held there! These writings will be handed down to generation after generation. This book, and the ones to follow, is in settings of fiction, entailing non-fiction facts. Readers, from the age of 12 years to mature adults, will enjoy and receive hopes and enlightenment that will lay out a definite map for their journeys through life. All ages and genders will find many treasures within the pages of this book. You will find joy, peace-of-mind, truths, and yourself. Once these facts and theories are understood, and put to use within the confines of one's life, there will be no more desires of suicide or death, and less struggles with the, all encompassing, dark side of this world. After numerous life altering experiences with this side and the other side of life, it was brought to my attention that not only have I benefited from those experiences, but others, too, will benefit. This is a book that you will desire to read, and re-read, over and over again and again. Each time, each adventure is read, you will find more and more treasures pertaining to the sustaining of life. Read and enjoy!