Secret Doctrine of Apocalypse Days: Book One- Choice
by Alexander White
2021-01-16 14:47:26
Secret Doctrine of Apocalypse Days: Book One- Choice
by Alexander White
2021-01-16 14:47:26
Dear reader, this book is not common and we find it difficult to determine its genre. Its difference from all you've read before begins with its title. "A Doctrine and a Secret one The authors must get excited, - you might think. - Where in our epoc...
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Dear reader, this book is not common and we find it difficult to determine its genre. Its difference from all you've read before begins with its title. "A Doctrine and a Secret one The authors must get excited, - you might think. - Where in our epoch of informational technologies and global communications can one take so many secrets as to make up a whole Doctrine?" Series "Secret Doctrine of Apocalypse Days" is the first serious attempt to exceed the limits of the subjective perception of objective reality by a man. The picture of the World depicted by the Consciousness not restricted by narrow limits of Ego has proved to be far from balmy and blessed. But only this realistic picture gives a chance to the man to be on sure ground at last. All this permits us to hope that he will stop declaring and get down to business, enter the path of Evolution for which purpose he came to the Earth. This may be treated in different ways, but no one can remain indifferent to it