Authors | Georg Ebers
Georg Ebers
Georg Moritz Ebers, German Egyptologist and novelist, discovered the Egyptian medical papyrus, of ca 1550 BC, named for him (see Ebers papyrus) at Luxor (Thebes) in the winter of 1873–74. Ebers early conceived the idea of popularizing Egyptian l ... Read more

Books by Georg Ebers

Joshua: A Biblical Picture; and The Burgomaster's Wife, A Romance: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
A Word, Only A Word: A Romance...: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Die Geschichte Meines Lebens: Vom Kind Bis Zum Manne...: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Works Volume 5: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Die Schwestern: Roman...: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Uarda: A Romance Of Ancient Egypt, Volume 1: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Elixir: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Per Aspera, a Thorny Path: by Georg 1837-1898 Ebers
by Georg 1837-1898 Ebers
The Authoritative Life of General William Booth, Founder of the Salvation Army: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Die Nilbraut (Historischer Roman aus dem alten Ägypten): Historischer Abenteuerroman: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Arachne: Historischer Roman: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
In the Blue Pike: A Romance of German Civilization at the Commencement of the Sixteenth Century: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Serapis: Historischer Roman / Von Georg Ebers: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances of Georg Ebers, Volume 13: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances Of Georg Ebers, Volume 4: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances Of Georg Ebers ... (1880): by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Homo Sum, And Gred Of Nuremberg: A Romance Of The 15th Century: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Gesammelte Werke, Volume 1...: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Uarda: A Romance Of Ancient Egypt, Volume 2: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Works Volume 11: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Homo Sum: A Novel: by Georg 1837-1898 Ebers
by Georg 1837-1898 Ebers
Henry Irving: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Sisters: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Cleopatra: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Historical Romances of George Ebers - Margery (Gred) - A Tale of Old Nuremberg - Vol One: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Der Kaiser: Roman; Volume 1: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Bride of the Nile: A Romance (Large Print Edition): by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
The Bride of the Nile: A Romance, Volume II: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Arachne Georg Ebers Author: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers
Uarda (Historischer Roman aus dem alten Ägypten) Georg Ebers Author: by Georg Ebers
by Georg Ebers