Serie Vida En Plenitud: La Familia Llena del Espiritu: Sabiduria Santa Para Edificar Hogares Felices
by Jack W. Hayford
2021-01-03 18:42:29
Serie Vida En Plenitud: La Familia Llena del Espiritu: Sabiduria Santa Para Edificar Hogares Felices
by Jack W. Hayford
2021-01-03 18:42:29
God has given us clear guidelines to build a happy home and "The Spirit-Filled Family "will show you how to establish, cultivate and make your family advance in the paths of God. Considering God as the basis of the family, this study explores the rol...
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God has given us clear guidelines to build a happy home and "The Spirit-Filled Family "will show you how to establish, cultivate and make your family advance in the paths of God. Considering God as the basis of the family, this study explores the role of each person within the family circle, and shows us how to nourish our relationships with love, forgiveness and practical faith. "The Spirit-Filled Family" provides an encouraging model to a creative, dynamic Christian family life.