Servants of the People: The 1960s Legacy of African American Leadership
by NA NA
2020-12-28 14:20:33
Servants of the People: The 1960s Legacy of African American Leadership
by NA NA
2020-12-28 14:20:33
Beginning with the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case, which forced the integration of public schools in the South, Servants of the People follows the lives of six such leaders as they willingly risk their lives for the civil rights ...
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Beginning with the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case, which forced the integration of public schools in the South, Servants of the People follows the lives of six such leaders as they willingly risk their lives for the civil rights cause: A. Philip Randolph, Frederick D. Patterson, Thurgood Marshall, Whitney M. Young, Adam Clayton Powell Jr., and Fannie Lou Hamer. In these fascinating profiles of six individuals who devoted their lives to service, Williams reveals the rich legacy of servant leadership that they embodied. Servants of the People paints a powerful portrait of an entire generation and those who came forth to lead them in the struggle for basic civil rights, recapturing their legacy and drawing valuable lessons for today's leaders.