Slimspirational: From pizzas to pancakes, low-carb and low-calorie recipes for a healthier, slimmer you
by Lynette Anderson
2021-01-08 13:24:40
Slimspirational: From pizzas to pancakes, low-carb and low-calorie recipes for a healthier, slimmer you
by Lynette Anderson
2021-01-08 13:24:40
From pizzas to pancakes, low-carb and low-calorie recipes for a healthier, slimmer you. Creative recipes to include breakfast and brunch, lunch, dinners, takeaway food, sweet treats and bread, dressings, side and vegetable dishes; spreads and dips. R...
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From pizzas to pancakes, low-carb and low-calorie recipes for a healthier, slimmer you. Creative recipes to include breakfast and brunch, lunch, dinners, takeaway food, sweet treats and bread, dressings, side and vegetable dishes; spreads and dips. Recipes that are all under 400 calories, low carbohydrate meals, suitable for use with atkins, banting, keto, the blood sugar diet and the 5:2 and fasting diets. Eat yourself slim and healthy without all the rabbit food.