Spain and the Process of European Integration, 1957-85
by NA NA
2020-12-31 20:51:48
Spain and the Process of European Integration, 1957-85
by NA NA
2020-12-31 20:51:48
This book examines the process of Spanish integration into the European Community, from 1962, when Spain under the Franco regime applied to the European Community, to 1985, when democratic Spain became a member of the EEC. It aims to prove that, firs...
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This book examines the process of Spanish integration into the European Community, from 1962, when Spain under the Franco regime applied to the European Community, to 1985, when democratic Spain became a member of the EEC. It aims to prove that, first, the European Community was the crucial external factor determining political change in Spain and, second, that Europeanism was a mechanism of political change, as it was the only aim which unified the whole political spectrum from the Francoist establishment to the democratic opposition.