Financial advisors are taught to advise the majority of people. The median household income in this country is $46,000 a year. Financial institutions are organized around acquiring the masses as clients. The clients of Clearline Financial Group are the top 10% households as defined by annual income and net worth. We are committed to building a firm that will help our clients in areas that matter to then most. Many of our clients have questions like:
Am I making the best use of the dollars I am saving? Will I be able to retire and be okay given I may live 25-30 years in retirement? Am I exposed to losing a great deal of my wealth or income if I were to be sued? When I leave this earth what kind of impact will I leave behind?
Clearline Financial Group was created as a result of its founder realizing that many people feel as though they have been taken advantage of when meeting with a traditional financial advisor. Often these people are pushed toward a set of pre-packaged investments that aren't tailored to their desires. These potential clients can feel they have lost control of their money and aren't involved in the process. We offer a process that gives our clients the tools to succeed and supplies them with guidance on how to use those tools to achieve their dreams.