Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story
by Martin Luther King 2021-05-27 04:23:08
MLK’s classic account of the first successful large-scale act of nonviolent resistance in America: the Montgomery bus boycott.A young Dr. King wrote Stride Toward Freedom just 2 years after the successful completion of the boycott. In his m... Read more
MLK’s classic account of the first successful large-scale act of nonviolent resistance in America: the Montgomery bus boycott.A young Dr. King wrote Stride Toward Freedom just 2 years after the successful completion of the boycott. In his memoir about the event, he tells the stories that informed his radical political thinking before, during, and after the boycott—from first witnessing economic injustice as a teenager and watching his parents experience discrimination to his decision to begin working with the NAACP. Throughout, he demonstrates how activism and leadership can come from any experience at any age.Comprehensive and intimate, Stride Toward Freedom emphasizes the collective nature of the movement and includes King’s experiences learning from other activists working on the boycott, including Mrs. Rosa Parks and Claudette Colvin. It traces the phenomenal journey of a community and shows how the 28-year-old Dr. King, with his conviction for equality and nonviolence, helped transform the nation and the world. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780807000694
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929–1968), Nobel Peace Prize laureate and architect of the nonviolent civil rights movement, was among the twentieth century’s most influential figures. ...
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