Subregionalism and World Order
by NA NA
2021-05-27 01:41:34
Subregionalism and World Order
by NA NA
2021-05-27 01:41:34
A diverse range of area specialists are brought together here in the first volume which embraces such a geographically diverse treatment of the subregional system. The Central European Free Trade Area, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation scheme, ECOWA...
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A diverse range of area specialists are brought together here in the first volume which embraces such a geographically diverse treatment of the subregional system. The Central European Free Trade Area, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation scheme, ECOWAS in West Africa, MERCOSUR, the Association of Caribbean States, Chilean strategies, the "Greater China" project, ASEAN, and the East Asian Economic Caucus are all explored in order to mount a case for a "new International Political Economy" perspective in the understanding of subregional cooperation.