The Life And Opinions Of Tristram Shandy, Volume 2: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Sermons Of Mr. Yorick / A New Edition: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Oeuvres Complètes De Laurent Sterne, Volume 2...: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Works Of Laurence Sterne: Complete In Seven Volumes, Volume 1...: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Yoricks Empfindsame Reise Durch Frankreich Und Italien, Volumes 1-4: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Sermons Choisis De Sterne: Traduit De L'anglois...: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Works of Lawrence Sterne: In Four Volumes, with a Life of the Author - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Sermons Of Mr. Yorick, Volume 1...: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Works: -6. Letters, Sermons And Miscellaneons Writings: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Yoricks Empfindsame Reise Durch Frankreich Und Italien, Volume 4: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Works And Life Of Laurence Sterne: The Journal To Eliza And Various Letters: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Works And Life Of Laurence Sterne: . Letters Of Laurence Sterne To His Most Intimate Friends: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Works: Complete In Eight Volumes : With An Account Of The Life And Writings Of The Author, Volume 1: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Works, With a Life of the Author. Edited by James P. Browne; With Illus. by Thomas Stothard; Volume 1: by Laurence 1713-1768 Sterne
by Laurence 1713-1768 Sterne
Letters of the Late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne: to His Most Intimate Friends, on Various Occasions: as Published by His Daughter, Mr: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
A Sentimental Journey & The Journal To Eliza: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Penguin English Library Tristram Shandy: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The works of Laurence Sterne. Complete in eight volumes. ... Volume 8 of 8: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Extracts from the Tristram Shandy, and Sentimental journey, of Law. Sterne, M.A.: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Works Of Laurence Sterne, Volume 9: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
A Political Romance Laurence Sterne Author: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy Laurence Sterne Author: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Tristram Shandy Laurence Sterne Author: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
El viaje sentimental Laurence Sterne Author: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Laurence Sterne, Collection novels Laurence Sterne Author: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Sermons Of Mr. Yorick; Volume 4: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Explanatory remarks upon The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy; wherein, the morals and politics of this piece are clearly laid: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
Yoricks Briefe An Elisa: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
The Works Of Laurence Sterne, A. M.: The Sermons Of Mr. Yorick: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne
La Vie Et Les Opinions De Tristram Shandy, Volume 3: by Laurence Sterne
by Laurence Sterne