Talmud Torah: Ways to God's Presence through Learning: An Exercise in Practical Theology
by Jacob Neusner 2021-01-07 20:05:23
This is a work of practical theology, a book not about Judaism but of Judaism. Talmud Torah does two things. First, in its pages, which highlight representative sources of the Oral Torah of Judaism, readers study about studying the Torah, which Rabbi... Read more
This is a work of practical theology, a book not about Judaism but of Judaism. Talmud Torah does two things. First, in its pages, which highlight representative sources of the Oral Torah of Judaism, readers study about studying the Torah, which Rabbinic Judaism put forth as the way to God''s presence. Second, text by text, readers find that they study Torah everywhere, following the Torah that was set forth by the masters of the normative writings of Rabbinic Judaism. The focus throughout is on text-study, which makes possible both studying about the Torah and the concrete act of studying Torah. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9.38 X 6.3 X 0.64 in
  • 144
  • UPA
  • January 30, 2002
  • English
  • 9780761821762
Jacob Neusner...
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