Tell It As It Is: A NO HOLDS BARRED Story Of A Family Living With Severe Autism
by Charles Parker
2021-05-26 20:48:02
Tell It As It Is: A NO HOLDS BARRED Story Of A Family Living With Severe Autism
by Charles Parker
2021-05-26 20:48:02
"I think your child may be autistic" Those words are probably the most devastating that many parents have ever heard. Hearing those words could easily destroy some families. Those words could easily have destroyed us as a family but as you read on yo...
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"I think your child may be autistic" Those words are probably the most devastating that many parents have ever heard. Hearing those words could easily destroy some families. Those words could easily have destroyed us as a family but as you read on you will find out differently. Our philosophy is that life is all about choices, whether you choose to give up or fight on is your decision, but hopefully our words will be of some encouragement to help all of those in doubt to take the positive approach and fight on. We want you to take a step into our lives. If you don't know already what it is like, find out how an autistic child can completely change your life. We are not hiding anything; it is the bare, undiluted truth. The heartaches, the fears and the joy that we have learnt to accept. Where have we gone for help? How have we achieved so many goals? Perhaps more importantly, how have we remained sane? So many of our customers say you've always got a smile on your face, how? Well if you don't smile you would probably cry. Hopefully we have whetted your appetite and you want to find out more, but just before you turn the page here's our little secret. You see, just like many of you we have a mirror in our bedroom. Unlike most we use it every morning. You see when we get up we look in that mirror and smile and you know what. EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL WE GET A SMILE BACK Having an autistic child myself, I can appreciate the support that parents will gain from this enthralling book. I am sure people worldwide will gain a greater awareness of autism. Shaun Udal Hampshire and England Cricketer.