Authors | Sy Montgomery
Sy Montgomery
Sy Montgomery is a naturalist, documentary scriptwriter, and author of twenty acclaimed books of nonfiction for adults and children, including the National Book Award finalist The Soul of an Octopus and the memoir The Good Good Pig, a New York Time ... Read more

Books by Sy Montgomery

The Good Good Pig: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Great White Shark Scientist: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
How to Be a Good Creature : A Memoir in Thirteen Animals: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Search for the Golden Moon Bear: Science and Adventure in Southeast Asia: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Becoming A Good Creature: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Hyena Scientist: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Magnificent Migration: On Safari With Africa's Last Great Herds: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Soul of an Octopus: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2019: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Condor Comeback: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Curious Naturalist: Nature's Everyday Mysteries: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Tarantula Scientist: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Walking with the Great Apes: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Quest for the Tree Kangaroo: An Expedition to the Cloud Forest of New Guinea: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Amazon Adventure: How Tiny Fish Are Saving the World's Largest Rainforest (Scientists in the Field Series): by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Saving the Ghost of the Mountain: An Expedition Among Snow Leopards in Mongolia: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Tapir Scientist: Saving South America's Largest Mammal (Scientists in the Field Series): by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World's Strangest Parrot: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Wild Out Your Window: Exploring Nature Near at Hand: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
The Snake Scientist: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Chasing Cheetahs: The Race To Save Africa's Fastest Cat: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Birdology: Adventures with Hip Hop Parrots, Cantankerous Cassowaries, Crabby Crows, Peripatetic Pigeons, Hens,: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
L'âme d une pieuvre: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Inky's Amazing Escape: How a Very Smart Octopus Found His Way Home: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Search for the Golden Moon Bear: Science and Adventure in Pursuit of a New Species: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery
Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World: by Sy Montgomery
by Sy Montgomery