Temporal Power A Study in Supremacy
By Marie Corelli 9 Jun, 2020
C'est mon metier d'etre Roi So said one of the many dead and gone martyrs on the rack of sovereignty. Alas, poor soul, thou would'st have been happier in any other metier I warrant! For kingship is a profession which cannot be abandoned for a change ... Read more
C'est mon metier d'etre Roi So said one of the many dead and gone martyrs on the rack of sovereignty. Alas, poor soul, thou would'st have been happier in any other metier I warrant! For kingship is a profession which cannot be abandoned for a change of humour, or cast aside in light indifference and independence because a man is bored by it and would have something new. It is a routine and drudgery to which some few are born, for which they are prepared, to which they must devote their span of life, and in which they must die. How shall we pass the day? Asked a weary Roman emperor, I am even tired of killing my enemies! Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 513.743 KB
  • 350
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-0217145169
Marie Corelli (1 May 1855 – 21 April 1924), born Mary Mackay, was a best-selling British novelist of the Victorian and Edwardian eras, whose controversial works of the time often label her as an ear...
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