Authors | Mel Silberman
Mel Silberman
Mel Silberman, Ph.D., is a bestselling author of books on training and consulting, and a professor of adult and organization development at Temple University. Internationally renowned as a pioneer in the areas of active learning and facilitation/cons ... Read more

Books by Mel Silberman

101 Ways to Make Training Active [With CDROM]: by Mel Silberman
by Mel Silberman
The Consultant's Toolkit: 45 High-Impact Questionnaires, Activities, and How-To Guides for Diagnosing and Solving Client Problems: by Mel Silberman
by Mel Silberman
The Consultant's Big Book of Reproducible Surveys and Questionnaires: 50 Instruments to Help You Assess and Diagnose Client Needs: by Mel Silberman
by Mel Silberman
The Consultant's Big Book of Orgainization Development Tools: 50 Reproducible Intervention Tools to Help Solve Your Clients' Probl: by Mel Silberman
by Mel Silberman
People Smart: Developing Your Interpersonal Intelligence: by Mel Silberman
by Mel Silberman
The Active Manager's Tool Kit: by Mel Silberman
by Mel Silberman