The Best Books You Never Read: Vol Vii - Fiction - Peacock To Scott
by Arthur Mee
2021-01-31 14:56:38
The Best Books You Never Read: Vol Vii - Fiction - Peacock To Scott
by Arthur Mee
2021-01-31 14:56:38
A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the b...
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A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the book''s plot or content, and then decide. Each summary reads like a short story. The series will include: Fiction, Lives and Letters, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern History, Religion and Philosophy, Philosophy and Economics, Science, Travel and Adventure, and more. VOLUME 7 - FICTION - Peacock to ScottPEACOCK, THOMAS LOVE - Headlong Hall - Nightmare Abbey PORTER, JANE - Scottish Chiefs PUSHKIN - The Captain''s Daughter RABELAIS - Gargantua and Pantagruel READE, CHARLES - Hard Cash - Never Too Late to Mend - The Cloister and the Hearth RICHARDSON, SAMUEL - Pamela - Clarissa Harlowe - Sir Charles Grandison RICHTER, JEAN PAUL - Hesperus - Titan ROSEGGER, PETER - Papers of the Forest Schoolmaster ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES - New Heloise SAINT PIERRE, BERNARDIN DE - Paul and Virginia SAND, GEORGE - Consuelo - Mauprat SCOTT, MICHAEL - Tom Cringle''s Log SCOTT, SIR WALTER - Antiquary - Guy Mannering - Heart of Midlothian - Ivanhoe - Kenilworth - Old Mortality - Peveril of the Peak