Authors | Emile Gaboriau
Emile Gaboriau
Gaboriau was born in the small town of Saujon, Charente-Maritime. He became a secretary to Paul Féval, and after publishing some novels and miscellaneous writings, found his real gift in L'Affaire Lerouge (1866). The book, which was Gaboriau's fi ... Read more

Books by Emile Gaboriau

La clique doree Emile Gaboriau Author: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
The Champdoce Mystery Emile Gaboriau Author: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
L'argent des autres (French) Emile Gaboriau Author: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
La dégringolade (French) Emile Gaboriau Author: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
Les cotillons c�l�bres. Deuxi�me S�rie (French) Emile Gaboriau Author: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
El expediente 113 Emile Gaboriau Author: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
La clique dorée (French) Emile Gaboriau Author: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
Les esclaves de Paris (French) Emile Gaboriau Author: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
Collected Works, Volume 6: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
Oeuvres, Volume 2...: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
L'argent Des Autres: Les Hommes De Paille. 10. Éd...: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
The Lecoq Edition [Of Gaboriau's Works]: The Honor of the Name (Part Ii) & the Lerouge Affair: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
Catastrophe: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
Oeuvres, Volume 4...: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
La Vie Infernale: Pascal Et Marguerite...: by Émile Gaboriau
by Émile Gaboriau
A Thousand Francs Reward: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
Collected Works, Volume 4: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau
The Honor of the Name, Volume 2: by Emile Gaboriau
by Emile Gaboriau