The Children's Bible - The Greatest Book in the World in Its Own Words - Illustrated from the Art Galleries of the World
by Arthur Mee 2021-05-31 16:15:43
This early work by Arthur Mee was originally published in the early 20th century and we are now republishing it for the modern reader. 'The Children's Bible' contains the Christian story interpreted for the young.
This early work by Arthur Mee was originally published in the early 20th century and we are now republishing it for the modern reader. 'The Children's Bible' contains the Christian story interpreted for the young. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781473304178
Arthur Henry Mee (21 July 1875 – 27 May 1943) was a British writer, journalist and educator. He is best known for The Harmsworth Self-Educator, The Children's Encyclopædia, The Children's Newspaper...
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