The Children's Book of Christmas Stories
by Charles Dickens
2021-06-04 09:47:19
The Children's Book of Christmas Stories
by Charles Dickens
2021-06-04 09:47:19
In this day and age, and in some circles, Christmas doesn''t live in the minds and hearts of people the way it used to. That''s a shame, because Christmas is a special time when all hearts should be filled with love and consideration for their fello...
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In this day and age, and in some circles, Christmas doesn''t live in the minds and hearts of people the way it used to. That''s a shame, because Christmas is a special time when all hearts should be filled with love and consideration for their fellow man. Even more important, it''s also the time when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.In 1913 when THE CHILDREN''S BOOK OF CHRISTMAS STORIES, edited by Asa Don Dickinson and Ada M. Skinner was first published, Christmas was a magical time of year and hearts everywhere were full of love and joy. It can be that way again if you''ll just allow the spirit of Christmas into your heart. Of course, we''re not talking about children...they''re always ready for Christmas.In this book you''ll find stories by such well known author''s as Charles Dickens and Hans Christian Anderson. You''ll also find stories by author''s you''ve never heard of, but relax and know that every story represented here has been read and enjoyed by thousands of children. Even more important, each story is filled with the true spirit of Christmas, and your children won''t want you to put the book down.Pop some popcorn, make a jug of punch, find a well-lighted place to sit down with your kids and get ready to really celebrate Christmas with THE CHILDREN''S BOOK OF CHRISTMAS STORIES. You''ll all enjoy the true spirit of this most meaningful day of the year...CHRISTMAS DAY.