THE COMPLETE FATHER BROWN MYSTERIES COLLECTION (All 52 Father Brown Mysteries in One Volume!) Nook Edition - The Innocence of Father Brown The Wisdom
by G. K. Chesterton 2021-04-11 04:34:29
OVERVIEWThis collection bring together all the Father Brown mysteries of G.K. Chesterton in a single, convenient, high quality, but extremely low priced Nook volume!Gilbert Keith Chesterton (29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936) was an English writer wh... Read more
OVERVIEWThis collection bring together all the Father Brown mysteries of G.K. Chesterton in a single, convenient, high quality, but extremely low priced Nook volume!Gilbert Keith Chesterton (29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936) was an English writer whose prolific and diverse output included philosophy, ontology, poetry, play writing, journalism, public lecturing and debating, literary and art criticism, biography, Christian apologetics, and fiction, including fantasy and detective fiction, namely with his exceedingly popular Father Brown short stories.Father Brown, a short, stumpy Catholic priest with shapeless clothes and a large umbrella, has uncanny insight into human evil.Father Brown solves his crimes through a strict reasoning process more concerned with spiritual and philosophic truths rather than scientific details, making him an almost equal counterbalance with Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, whose stories Chesterton read and admired. Father Brown was the perfect vehicle for conveying Chesterton's view of the world and, of all of his characters, is perhaps closest to Chesterton's own point of view, or at least the effect of his point of view. EXCERPTSix people sat around a small table, seeming almost as incongruous and accidental as if they had been shipwrecked separately on the same small desert island. At least the sea surrounded them; for in one sense their island was enclosed in another island, a large and flying island like Laputa. For the little table was one of many little tables dotted about in the dining saloon of that monstrous ship the Moravia, speeding through the night and the everlasting emptiness of the Atlantic. The little company had nothing in common except that all were travelling from America to England. Two of them at least might be called celebrities; others might be called obscure, and in one or two cases even dubious.The first was the famous Professor Smaill, an authority on certain archaeological studies touching the later Byzantine Empire. His lectures, delivered in an American University, were accepted as of the first authority even in the most authoritative seats of learning in Europe. His literary works were so steeped in a mellow and imaginative sympathy with the European past, that it often gave strangers a start to hear him speak with an American accent. Yet he was, in his way, very American; he had long fair hair brushed back from a big square forehead, long straight features and a curious mixture of preoccupation with a poise of potential swiftness, like a lion pondering absent-mindedly on his next leap.There was only one lady in the group; and she was (as the journalists often said of her) a host in herself; being quite prepared to play hostess, not to say empress, at that or any other table. She was Lady Diana Wales, the celebrated lady traveller.TABLE OF CONTENTSTHE COMPLETE FATHER BROWN MYSTERIESBy G.K. ChestertonThe Innocence of Father BrownThe Blue CrossThe Secret GardenThe Queer FeetThe Flying StarsThe Invisible ManThe Honour of Israel GowThe Wrong ShapeThe Sins of Prince SaradineThe Hammer of GodThe Eye of ApolloThe Sign of the Broken SwordThe Three Tools of DeathThe Wisdom of Father BrownThe Absence of Mr GlassThe Paradise of ThievesThe Duel of Dr HirschThe Man in the PassageThe Mistake of the MachineThe Head of CaesarThe Purple WigThe Perishing of the PendragonsThe God of the GongsThe Salad of Colonel CrayThe Strange Crime of John BoulnoisThe Fairy Tale of Father BrownThe Incredulity of Father BrownThe Resurrection of Father BrownThe Arrow of HeavenThe Oracle of the DogThe Miracle of Moon CrescentThe Curse of the Golden CrossThe Dagger with WingsThe Doom of the DarnawaysThe Ghost of Gideon WiseThe Secret of Father BrownThe Secret of Father BrownThe Mirror of the MagistrateThe Man With Two BeardsThe Song of the Flying FishThe Actor and the AlibiThe Vanishing of VaudreyThe Worst Crime in the WorldThe Red Moon of MeruThe Chief Mourner of MarneThe Secret of FlambeauThe Scandal of Father BrownThe Scandal of Father BrownThe Quick OneThe Blast of the BookThe Green ManThe Pursuit of Mr BlueThe Crime of the CommunistThe Point of a PinThe Insoluble ProblemThe Vampire of the VillageAnnotations: G.K. Chesterton’s Literary Legacy Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • The Complete Works Collection
  • December 10, 2012
  • 2940012630988
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936) was an English writer, philosopher, lay theologian, and literary and art critic. He has been referred to as the "prince of paradox". Time Magazi...
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