More Odd Texts of Chaucer's Minor Poems: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Palamon and Arcite; or, the Knight's Tale: Written by Chaucer, and Modernized by Mr. Dryden. In Three Books: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Book Of The Duchess And Other Poems: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Hengwrt Ms Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Issue 3; issue 9; issue 27: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Riches Of Chaucer, In Which His Impurities Have Been Expunged, His Spelling Modernised, And His Obsolete Terms Explained, By C: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer: A New Text with Illustrative Notes, Volume 1: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Old Wife Of Beith, By Chaucer. Much Better Reformed, Enlarged And Corrected, Than It Was Formerly In The Old Uncorrect Copy. W: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
English Of The 14th Century: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Arcite And Palamon: After Geoffrey Chaucer: By Edward Hovel Thurlow, Lord Thurlow. [modernized.]: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales Of Chaucer. To Which Are Added, An Essay Upon His Language And Versification, An Introductory Discourse, And: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Poetical Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer: To Which Are Appended Poems Attributed To Chaucer, Volume 2...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue To The Canterbury Tales: With Notes, Plan Of Preparation, Examination Papers, And Glossary By J.m.d. Meiklejohn...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Poetical Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer: To Which Are Appended Poems Attributed To Chaucer, Volume 1...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Complete Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer, Volume 5...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Clerk's Prologue And Tale: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue And Tale: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: With Poems Formerly Printed With His Or Attributed to Him, Volume 3: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Corpus Ms (corpus Christi Col., Oxford) Of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Part 4: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Volume 3: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Minor Poems Old Geoffrey Chaucer: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Canterbury Tales; With an Essay Upon his Language and Versification, an Introductory Discourse, Note; Volume I: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales Of Geoffrey Chaucer: A New Text With Illustrative Notes, Volume 3: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Prologue To The Book Of The Tales Of Canterbury: The Knight's Tale; The Nun's Priest's Tale: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Prologue: The Knight's Tale, And The Nun's Priest's Tale, From Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Corpus Ms (Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford) of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Volume 67: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Matrimonial scenes: consisting of the Seaman's tale, the Manciple's tale, the character of the wife of Bath, the Tale o: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales, Volume 4: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales: A New Text, Volume 1: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Poetical Works, Volume 1...: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Poetical Works Of Geoffrey Chaucer: Troilus Ands Creseide (continued)the Legend Of Good Women. A Goodly Ballade Of Chaucer. Th: by Geoffrey Chaucer
by Geoffrey Chaucer