The Doctor's Dilemma
By George Bernard Shaw 7 Dec, 2019
The Doctor's Dilemma is a play by George Bernard Shaw first staged in 1906. It is a problem play about the moral dilemmas created by limited medical resources and the conflicts between the demands of private medicine as a business and a vocation.
The Doctor's Dilemma is a play by George Bernard Shaw first staged in 1906. It is a problem play about the moral dilemmas created by limited medical resources and the conflicts between the demands of private medicine as a business and a vocation. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 84.764 KB
  • 92
  • Public Domain Books
  • 2005-07-01
  • English
  • 9781420932904
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 Nov 1950) was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist. His influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to ...
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