The Dweller on the Threshold
The Dweller on the Threshold
By Robert Hichens
1 Feb, 2020
Brief Extract: The sadness noted by Malling was at first evasive and fleeting, not indellibly fixed in the puckers of a forehead, or in the down drawn corners of a mouth. It was as a thin, almost impalpable mist, that can scarcely be seen, yet that a
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Brief Extract: The sadness noted by Malling was at first evasive and fleeting, not indellibly fixed in the puckers of a forehead, or in the down drawn corners of a mouth. It was as a thin, almost impalpable mist, that can scarcely be seen, yet that alters all the features in a landscape ever so faintly. Like a shadow it traveled across the eyes, obscured the forehead, lay about the lips. And as a shadow lifts it lifted. But it soon returned, like a thing uneasy that is becoming determined to discover an abiding place. Less