The Emperor Constantine
by Dorothy L. Sayers 2020-12-30 04:47:44
A brief 'Prologue' by the 'Church' introduces the career of Constantine (from AD 305-337) with scenes from the empires of both west and east, concentrating on Constantine's progress to imperial power and inevitably in religious belief. He discovers C... Read more
A brief 'Prologue' by the 'Church' introduces the career of Constantine (from AD 305-337) with scenes from the empires of both west and east, concentrating on Constantine's progress to imperial power and inevitably in religious belief. He discovers Christ to be the God who has made him his earthly vice-regent as single Emperor. Summoning the Council of Nicaea in 325, an invigorating debate results in the acceptance of Constantine's formula that Christ is 'of one substance with God.' The implications of the Creed of Nicaea are revealed in the last part of the play in which it is Constantine's mother, Helena, who brings him to the realization that he needs redemption by Christ for his political and military life as well as for the domestic tragedy which has resulted in the death of his son. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • September 9, 2011
  • eng
  • 9781725229181
Dorothy Leigh Sayers (13 June 1893 – 17 Dec 1957) was a renowned English crime writer and poet. She was also a student of classical and modern languages. She is best known for her mysteries, a serie...
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