Harry Price is one of the most well known figures in 20th century psychical research; a maverick investigator who created controversy, both within the Spiritualist movement and in the world of organised paranormal inquiry. With his National Laboratory he investigated the most famous mediums of the inter-war period including Helen Duncan and the Schneider brothers.
Of all of his investigations, the case of the spirit child, 'Rosalie' is the most astonishing and controversial. In 1939, Harry Price claimed to have visited a house in London where he experienced the solid materialisation of a six-year-old girl who had been dead for over fifteen years. Was Price telling the truth, or had he been duped by scheming fraudsters?
The Enigma of Rosalie is the most detailed study of Harry Price and 'Rosalie' ever undertaken. Extensively researched from public and private collections, this book finally reveals the truth behind one of psychical research's most enduring and engaging mysteries.