The European Union and the Regions: European Union & Regions
by Barry Jones 2021-02-02 07:56:54
Is Europe witnessing the death of the once mighty nation-state? If it is, then two of the most powerful factors in its post-war decline have been European integration and regionalism. Both challenge the nation state''s monopoly of authority - one f... Read more
Is Europe witnessing the death of the once mighty nation-state? If it is, then two of the most powerful factors in its post-war decline have been European integration and regionalism. Both challenge the nation state''s monopoly of authority - one from above, the other from below. Although itis increasingly recognized that the two are connected.This book provides a definitive examination of the new patterns of politics and policy that link the three levels of European Union, nation state, and region. Looking at each member state in turn the authors emphasize the diversity of the European experience. European integration has differingimpacts on different regions. In some it is seen as a threat, centralizing power and increasing their peripherality. To others it is an opportunity to by-pass national governments and assert their personality.The authors are sceptical of the `Europe of the Regions'' scenario, in which nation states fade away in favour of the other two levels. But they do show how the Maastricht commitment to subsidiarity together with the twin forces of European integration and regional assertion are profoundly changingthe politics of Europe as it moves into the twenty-first century. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780198279990
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