Praise For The Evaluation and Optimization of Trading Strategies
"The testing process is key to a profitable trading method and Bob Pardo brings order and sanity to it. He shows the reader how to navigate the minefield of optimization and offers walk-forward testing as a way to change a static system into a dynamic one."
--Perry Kaufman author of New Trading Systems and Methods, Fourth Edition
"Will your system work in the future? In this book Bob Pardo shows you exactly how to construct a trading system and then take the most important walk of them all--the walk forward test--to find out if your system is really worth trading. Now you can know before you trade!"
--Larry Williamsauthor of Trading Stocks & Commodities with the Insiders: Secrets of the COT Report, and Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading
"How to evaluate likely future trading system performance is not just a question--it's the question, and Pardo's 1992 Design, Testing, and Optimization of Trading Systems was a milestone work in the field. Now his approach has been updated and expanded to reflect technological change as well as many insights gained along the way. A must read for anyone who takes trading seriously."
--Bruce DeVaultPresident, Quantevo--Algorithmic Trading Development
"Ask serious system developers for their recommended reading list, and Bob Pardo's book is likely to be among the first mentioned. This book is the real deal; a serious work that seeks to teach you what to look for and what to avoid in your quest for workable trading methodologies. Best of all, it helps you achieve the kind of objective, critical thinking necessary for mechanical trading success. Seekers of magical holy grails would be advised to look elsewhere, but for earnest professional trading aspirants, this is a most rewarding read."
--Art Collins author of Beating the Financial Futures Market: Combining Small Biases Into Powerful Money Making Strategies
"This book is the definitive book on designing, testing, and using trading systems. There is no better book on the market."
--Courtney smith Courtney Smith & Co., Inc. Less