The Five Nations - Vol I
by Rudyard Kipling 2021-01-07 11:15:25
DEDICATION Before a midnight breaks in storm, Or herded sea in wrath, Ye know what wavering gusts inform The greater tempestspath Till the loosed wind Drive allfrom mind, Except Distress, which, so will prophets cry, Oercame them, houseless, from the... Read more
DEDICATION Before a midnight breaks in storm, Or herded sea in wrath, Ye know what wavering gusts inform The greater tempestspath Till the loosed wind Drive allfrom mind, Except Distress, which, so will prophets cry, Oercame them, houseless, from the unhmting sky. Ere rivers league against the land In piratry offlood, Yeknow what waters slip and stand Where seldom water stood. Yet who will note, Till fields afloat, And washen carcass and the returning well, Trumpet what thesepoor heralds strove to tell Ye know who use the Crystal Ball Topeer by stealth on Doom, The Shade that, shapingfirst of all, Prepares an empty room. Then doth It pass Like breathfrom glass, But, on the extorted vision bowed intent, No man considers why It came or went. Before the years reborn behold Themselves with stranger eye, And the sport-making Gods ofold, Like Samson slaying, die, Many shall hear The all-pregnant sphere, Bow to the birth and sweat, but speech denied Sit dumb or dealt in part fallweak and wide. Yet instant tofore-shadowed need The eternal balance swings That winged men the Fates may breed So soon as Fate hath wings. These shall possess Our littleness, And in the imperial task as worthy lay Up our lives all to piece one giant day. Vlll CONTENTS PAGE DEDICATION . vii THE FIVE NATIONS BELL BUOY, THE 4 BROKEN MEN, THE 39 BUDDHA AT KAMAKURA...... 90 BURIAL, THE 74 CRUISERS 9 DESTROYERS, THE 13 DYKES, THE 26 ET DONA FERENTES 107 EXPLORER, THE 61 FEET OF THE YOUNG MEN, THE .... 44 GENERAL JOUBERT 77 KITCHENERS SCHOOL 113 OLD MEN, THE 57 OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS 104 ix THE FIVE NATIONS PAGE PALACE, THE 78 PHARAOH AND THE SERGEANT .... 98 RIMMON 123 SEA AND THE HILLS, THE 1 SECOND VOYAGE, THE 23 SONG OF DIEGO VALDEZ, THE .... 32 SONG OF THE WISE CHILDREN .... 87 SUSSEX 81 TRUCE OF THE BEAR, THE 51 WAGE-SLAVES, THE 70 WHITE HORSES 18 WHITE MANS BURDEN, THE 94 YOUNG QUEEN, THE 118 INDEX TO FIRST LINES PAGE A Nation spoke to a Nation, .... 104 As our mother the Frigate, bepainted and fine, . 9 Before a midnight breaks in storm, Duly with knees that feign to quake, . . .123 For things we never mention, .... 39 God gave all men all earth to love, ... 81 Her hand was still on her sword-hilt, the spur was still on her heel, In extended observation of the ways and works of vii 118 man, . 107 Now the Four-way Lodge is opened, now the Hunting Winds are loose, .... 44 Oh glorious are the guarded heights, ... 70 Oh Hubshee, carry your shoes in your hand and bow your head on your breast . . . .113 Oh ye who tread the Narrow Way, 90 x Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 8.5 X 5.5 X 0.33 in
  • 140
  • Carruthers Press
  • October 9, 2007
  • English
  • 9781406784848
Joseph Rudyard Kipling was a journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including The Man Who...
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