The Glorious Age of Chivalry: An exploration of the golden age of knighthood and how it was expressed in art, literature and song
by Charles Phillips 2021-01-05 21:16:08
This evocative book examines the historicalbrotherhood of knights, how they were governedby their feudal lord, and the ideal of the chivalriccode. Knights drew inspiration from portrayals ofknighthood in the literature of chivalry - in heroicchansons... Read more
This evocative book examines the historicalbrotherhood of knights, how they were governedby their feudal lord, and the ideal of the chivalriccode. Knights drew inspiration from portrayals ofknighthood in the literature of chivalry - in heroicchansons de geste, poems of courtly love and prose,and verse of romances that told of knights'' greatdeeds in war and love. Together, the chivalric codeand the art of the time embodied a vision of howknights should and could behave.From the knightly heroes of the Bible and theclassical worlds to the golden age of medievalchivalry and the enduring tales of King Arthur,there is also a discussion of how the knights ofhistory lived up to these ideals, and themselvesbecame legendary figures. • A history of the medieval code of chivalry, andhow it bound together the brotherhood of knightswho swore to it • Analyses the rich legacy of romantic art andliterature inspired by chivalry, including the tales ofCharlemagne, the enduring stories of King Arthur,and the chansons de gestes of the crusades and ofepic tournaments • Features the most revered and honoured knights ofthe time, including King Edward I of England, SirJohn Chandos, The Black Prince and William Wallace • Offers an intelligent and thoughtful discussionon the importance of the code of chivalry, withinsights into how the ideal matched up tothe reality of combat and politics • Lavishly illustrated with over 200 beautifulillustrations showing knights on the battlefield,at the tournament, and in love Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 11.8 X 9.21 X 0.38 in
  • 128
  • Southwater
  • December 16, 2011
  • English
  • 9781844769742
Charles Phillips is the author of more than 35 books, including The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Aztec and Maya, The Complete Guide to the Catholic Faith, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Islam, The...
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