Authors | Apuleius
Apuleius (also called Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis; c. 124 – c. 170 AD) was a Latin-language prose writer, Platonist philosopher, and rhetorician. He was a Numidian who lived under the Roman Empire and was from Madauros (now M'Daourouch, Algeria). H ... Read more

Books by Apuleius

The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura: By Apuleius
By Apuleius
The Golden Asse: By Apuleius
By Apuleius
The Tale of Cupid and Psyche: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Apuleius: Cupid And Psyche: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
The Metamorphosis: Or, Golden Ass, and Philosophical Works, of Apuleius: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis De Deo Socratis Liber: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Apulée, Volume 3: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Amor And Psyche: Ein Märchen. Übertragen Von E. Norden: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Opera Omnia...: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
The Story of Cupid & Psyche: by . Apuleius
by . Apuleius
The Golden Ass Of Apuleius Translated Out Of Latin By William Adlington Anno 1566, With An Introduction By Charles Whibley: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
La Metamorfosis: Ó, El Asno De Oro...: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Floridorum Quae Supersunt...: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
The Golden Ass: Being The Metamorphoses Of Lucius Apuleius, Books 7-11: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
The Works Of Apuleius: Comprising The Metamorphoses, Or Golden Ass, The God Of Socrates, The Florida, And His Defence, Or: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Amor und Psyche / Hero und Leander: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
The Garland of Flowers; Composed of Cupid and Psyche, From the Golden Ass of Apuleius: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Cupid & Psyche a Mythological Tale From The Golden ass of Apuleius: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Cupid and Psyche: A Mythological Tale, From the Golden ass of Apuleius. Second Edition: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Apuleii Metamorphoseon Libri Undecim: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Cupid And Psyche, And Other Tales From The Golden Ass Of Apuleius: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Apulejo, dell' asino d'oro, translatato da Messer Agnolo Firenzuola, di latino in lingua Toscana.: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Apulei Madaurensis Opuscula Quae Sunt de Philosophia; Recensuit Dr. Aloisius Goldbacher: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
The Metamorphoses; or, Golden Ass of Apuleius of Madaura, Volume I: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Apuleius: Metamorphoses: An Intermediate Latin Reader: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Cupid And Psyche: A Mythological Tale, From The Golden Ass Of Apuleius. [the Preface Signed: H. G., I.e. Hudson Gurne: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Psyche Und Eros. Ein Milesisches Märchen In Der Darstellung Und Auffassung Des Apulejus Beleuchtet Und Auf Seinen Mythologischen Z: by Apuleius
by Apuleius
Apulée: Métamorphoses, Livres I-V. - T. 2. Métamorphoses, Livres Vi-Xi. - T. 3. Florides. Du Dieu De Socrat: by . Apuleius
by . Apuleius
Opera Quae Supersunt: Metamorphoseon Libri XI: by Apuleius
by Apuleius