Authors | Charles Plummer
Charles Plummer

Books by Charles Plummer

Physical Geology and Evolution of the Earth: by Charles Plummer, Lisa Hammersley, Donald Prot Diane Carlson
by Charles Plummer, Lisa Hammersley, Donald Prot Diane Carlson
The Life and Times of Alfred the Great; Being the Ford Lectures for 1901: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, (787-1001 A.D.) With Supplementary Extracts From the Others. A rev. Text, Edited, With Intro: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Elizabethan Oxford; Reprints Of Rare Tracts: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae Partim Hactenvs Ineditae: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, With Supplementary Extracts From the Others; a Revised Text ed., With Introduction Notes, Ap: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Venerabilis Baedae Historiam Ecclesiasticam Gentis Anglorum: Historiam Abbatum, Epistolam Ad Ecgberctum, Una Cum Historia Abbatum: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
The Governance of England: Otherwise Called the Difference Between an Absolute and a Limited Monarchy: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Devotions From Ancient and Mediaeval Sources (Western): by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Bethada Náem Nérenn: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel: Introduction, Notes, and Index. 1899: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Two Of The Saxon Chronicles Parallel - With Supplementary Extracts From The Others - A Revised Text Edited, With Introduction, Notes, Appendices, And: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel: Text, Appendices and Glossary. 1892: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, With Supplementary Extracts From the Others; a Revised Text Edited With Introd. Notes, Appen: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer
I ... Can I ... Will I ... Did: by Charles Plummer
by Charles Plummer