Authors | Edward Stratemeyer
Edward Stratemeyer
Edward L. Stratemeyer (October 4, 1862 – May 10, 1930) was an American publisher and writer of children's fiction. He was one of the most prolific writers in the world, producing in excess of 1,300 books himself, selling in excess of 500 million co ... Read more

Books by Edward Stratemeyer

The Rover Boys On Snowshoe Island: Or, The Old Lumberman's Treasure Box: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Dave Porter in the far North; or, The Pluck of an American Schoolboy: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Three Young Ranchmen: Or, Daring Adventures In The Great West: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Dave Porter and the Runaways Last Days at Oak Hall: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Baber, First of the Moguls: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Dave Porter in the Gold Fields Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys in the Air; Or, From College Campus to the Clouds Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Guns and Snowshoes; Or, the Winter Outing of the Young Hunters Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys in Alaska; or, Lost in the Fields of Ice Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Dave Porter and His Double; Or, The Disapperarance of the Basswood Fortune Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys in Southern Waters; or, The Deserted Steam Yacht Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
A Young Inventor's Pluck; or, The Mystery of the Willington Legacy Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Young Oarsmen of Lakeview Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Young Hunters of the Lake; or, Out with Rod and Gun Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Dave Porter and His Rivals; or, The Chums and Foes of Oak Hall Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Four Boy Hunters; Or, The Outing of the Gun Club Edward Stratemeyer Author: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Trail And Trading Post: Or, The Young Hunters Of The Ohio...: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Young Hunters in Porto Rico; or, The Search for a Lost Treasure: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Boy Land Boomer: Or, Dick Arbuckle's Adventures In Oklahoma...: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Under The Mikado's Flag: Or, Young Soldiers Of Fortune: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys In New York: Or, Saving Their Father's Honor: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Under Scott in Mexico: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys on the Ocean: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys In Business Or The Search For The Missing Bonds: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys In The Land Of Luck: Or, Stirring Adventures In The Oil Fields...: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
Lost In The Land Of Ice: Or, Daring Adventures Around The South Pole...: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys In The Jungle: Or, Stirring Adventures In Africa: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Mystery at Putnam Hall: Or, The School Chums' Strange Discovery: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer
The Rover Boys on Land and Sea: The Crusoes of Seven Islands: by Edward Stratemeyer
by Edward Stratemeyer